
Devagiri CMI Public School has been implementing SEWA (Social Empowerment through Work Education and Action) since 2018 as a major requirement of the Physical Health Education Programme of the Central Board of Secondary Education.

For the last two years, students of IX – XII have engaged in different projects such as the following:

  • Cleanliness Drive

(Swachcha Vidyalaya – Swachcha Bharat)

  • Vegetable Garden Project 

(School Gardening Project)

  • Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Aids Awareness

(Project on social awareness or cross cultural themes initiated, planned and implemented by students with teacher as initiator)

  • A Visit to Ashakiran School for the Differently Abled (Empathy)
  • Trauma Care Training

(First Aid: Awareness Raising and Demonstration)

  • Volunteering Work

(As volunteer for ‘in school activities’ such as organizing a school-based event based on Life Skills)

  • Fund Raising for Natural Calamities such as Kerala Flood

(Helping to raise funds for victims of natural disasters, e.g. flood and earthquake)