
From Principal's Desk

devagiri cmi public school

“Children, you are God’s investment in the hands of your parents.”

St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara

CMI Education springs from the very spirit of our lodestar, St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, who is known to be a reformer saint, among other things. Following the spirit of St. Chavara, we consider education as the integral formation of children for the fulfilment of their individual and social responsibilities. In view of this, the school forms students into intellectually competent, physically healthy, morally upright, spiritually mature, psychologically integrated and socially acceptable persons, who will champion the cause of justice, love, truth and peace in their respective communities, and society at large. 

Hence, it is essential for our stakeholders to understand the ultimate purpose of all our endeavours. We strive for excellence in both academic and non-academic spheres to empower and fully equip students for the loving service to their fellow human beings. To be a part of our educational community essentially means to live a life of dedicated service For God and Country, Pro Deo Et Patria”. 

Welcome to the DCMIPS family.